
Jyoti Amge – The Shortest Woman of the World

9:51 AM

Many a time the people may lose heart because they are physically different from the rest of the people who are considered normal. The physically different people may find it hard to carry out certain functions because almost everything is constructed and manufactured in a way that suits the “normal” people. But, this is not necessarily a hurdle that can stop them. The Guinness World Record holder for being the shortest woman on earth is an example that proves the same.

Jyoti Amge – The Shortest Woman of the World 

Jyoti Amge who is the world’s shortest woman alive is full of life and brimming with confidence all the time. This woman who was born on 21st December 1981 but her height is same as it would be of a two year old child. She is 2 mm short of 63 cm or about 2 feet tall and weighs near about 12 pounds.
Jyoti Amge

In her childhood she was diagnosed with a skeletal problem that leads to dwarfism known as achondroplasia. In this the skeletal growth is hampered due to non-formation of cartilage. Jyoti once suffered a fracture in her leg which failed to join because of her condition. Instead of bone the fractured portion got joined by fibrous tissue. This made it impossible for her to walk without splint. It is the problem in this condition that the bones fail to grow and if there is a fracture
Jyoti is brave ad a fighter to the core. She knows that she is not like normal kids but she studied in a normal school with other normal children. It was only her chair and table that was small . Her confidence was always sky-rocketing and she believed that she can become a film star.
Jyoti Amge American Horror Story

It is said the no dream is too big and her dream of becoming an actress was fulfilled by the American Horror Story where she got a major role to play.
Owing to her short stature jyoti got to visit many places all over the world and meet different people. Though at present Jyoti is the shortest woman but she is not the shortest woman of all times. This record is still with Miss Pauline Musters of Netherlands who lived in the second half of the 19th century. This beautiful woman who is no taller than an average two year old child has indomitable spirit and loves makeup and dressing up. She takes help of her sister to get her dresses customized for her.
Jyoti Amge Worlds Shortest Women

Being in American Horror Story got her many fans and friends. The people from the TV industry love her and her spirit. She is a favourite of all the people who watch AHS but she opted out of the show after one season.

There are many people who lose hope when they face adversity and for such people Jyoti is a great inspiration of what a person can achieve whether or not he or she is considered physically normal. This woman of India is a constant source of inspiration for many and would remain for years to come.

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